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Various music arrangements

23. I know a realm where Jesus dwells

For chamber orchestra

22. The fruit of their labours.
Ian Johnson

21. O come all ye faithful


20. Christ triumphant, ever reinging

19. At the living altar

18. To Jesus my life I have given

17. Our hearts sing with joy

16. Glorious light

15. God is in ons midde

14. Heav'nly Father, send Thy blessing

13. Praise, glory. honour

12. Trio

Rudolf  Zeidlewicks

This organ arrangement:  Based on the opening of the hymn: Lord, Lord come soon

See if you can find the hidden melody.

11. The day Thou gavest

C. Scholefield

A slight arrangement of a beautiful hymn

10. Seek ye first

Manual only

Easy organ arrangement for manual only or add pedals.

9. Peace O how precious

Organ Trio

A short,easy organ Trio

8. We love the place, O God

Peter Lambert

For full orchestra. The choir/congregation hymn

singing may also be accompanied with this score.

Instrumental score are available.

7. This is the glorious day

Nigel Isaacs

For the organ. The pedal has the somber melody.

Hands are challenged with a busy rhythm.

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6. Toccatina on :The living word, like gentle dew.

W. J. Kirkpatrick

For the organ. A cheeky arrangement on a beautiful, wel-loved hymn.

5. Take my heart

Hermann Ober

Arranged for 4 instruments

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4. Over the rainbow

Harold Arlen

Such a beautiful melody. I couldn't resist creating an organ version.

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3. I have a home

Clyde Davids

Arranged for Organ(or full orchestra) and choir.

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2. Jesus jy`s wonderbaar

Nigel Isaacs

Arranged for organ in a Trio style.

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1. Blest are they

Arranged for choir, piano/organ and solo violin.

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